Minutes of meeting – 08.01.24
Attendees :
- JG – Joe Gaffey
- CJ – Chris Jay
- MB – Mark Bisson
- BP – Bonnie Pope
- TC – Tony Cullen
- KG – Kim Gaffey
- LP- Lawson Pope
Matters to be discussed are:
- Team Name
- Team Colours and Kits
- Pitch
- Training
- Finances
- Committee Roles
- Fundraising
- Branding
Team and Team Name
It was initially agreed that the name should be Worcester Athletic, however CJ researched and found this name is in use. Other options such as Sporting Worcester, FC Worcester, Worcester FC and others are being considered and will be decided in the next few days. We also discussed the options of league, and the consensus was to stay in the Stourbridge League.
We are down to 14 players in the squad and ideally needs to be at 15. JG is looking for another player to join asap to bring the number back up. Although it will need to be the right player in the right position.
We are looking at the possibility of having 2 or 3 other age groups joining the fold for next season. Much will depend on where we end up, pitch wise. It will be no more than this. There are no aspirations to become a large club.
Team Colours and kits
The committee is to choose the main kit from Adidas, Joma or Nike, colours and design to be confirmed. The second kit to be decided by the boys. They are being encouraged to discuss between them through Snapchat. We will have 2 shirts, 1 shorts and 1 pair of socks, the shorts and socks likely to be black. Costs were discussed to include 2 shirts, 1 shorts, 1 pair socks, 1 quarter zip top, 1 rain coat. With perhaps backpack/boot bag.
We have the option of Droitwich rugby pitch, Droitwich Leisure Centre (both grass and 3g/4g pitches). We are exploring the possibility of retaining Hallow and Holt although both are unlikely at this moment. TC to approach RGS with regards to their pitches, including Hockey Club in Perdiswell. We are also reaching out to local landowners to see if there is any availability of suitable land. The list will be narrowed down by the next meeting.
It was agreed to stay at Great Witley astro given we will be moving back onto grass in March. However next winter we have earmarked Claines 3g pitch.
The balance on the account currently stands at circa £900 and whilst it appears healthy, the club will have plenty of costs moving towards the new season in terms of fees, pitches, kit etc. It was confirmed that the monthly subs will increase to £25 on 1st April. This brings the club in line with most other clubs and cheaper than others. This increase was postponed from 1st January as we felt it unfair due to the limited amount of matches played recently.
Discussions to take place with GRF to continue sponsorship into next season, however this would be just for the current team. Any new teams joining us will require alternative sponsorship. Early days, more information at future meeting.
Dan has kindly offered to help with branding to include badge design. Dan and Steve have both kindly offered to manage all social media to include Facebook, Snap Chat, Tik Tok and Instagram. There are no plans to have a website at this stage.
Committee Roles
As below. The role descriptions will be rolled out in due course.
- Chairperson – JG
- Vice Chairperson – TBC
- Treasurer – TC
- Welfare Officer – KG
- Parents Liaison – CJ
- Players Liaison – MB
- Sponsors – BP and LP
- Player Registration – KG
- Secretary – TC and KG
Documents required for new club but to be circulated asap for signing:
- Code of conduct – Parents Charter
- Code of conduct – Players Charter
- Code of conduct – Coaches/ Managers Charter
All final plans to be in place to be ratified at the next meeting in February and then rolled out to all parents. This will avoid confusion and uncertainty.
Phil and Ashton still need to return their kits.
Corey shirt needs printing with name and number.
Next meeting will be held on : Monday 12th February 2024 at The White Hart, 161 Droitwich Road, Fernhill Heath, Worcester, WR3 8RP. Time 6pm